Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Birthday Wishes....

Another year old, another year wiser. I'm happy to say that 31 ( or 20 +11 if you can't let go of the twenties) is here. I bid fare well to 30 you've been good to me and taught me many many things. 31 I look foward to seeing what you hold for me.

Yesterday was my birthday and the anniversary of my fathers death. I love you daddy! He would have been 80 this year.

My sweet child brought me these flowers from the front of our house, because he does know how much mommies love flowers. "Look closely mommy", he says with glee. "There is a leopard in there!" Amazing....I thought they were just spots. Thank you Jon.


1 comment:

Brenners said...

Happy Birthday!!! I'll be hitting the big 3-0 this year. Sounds old. :~)