Oh my has it really been that long since I've popped back in?? Zoe and Ian are taking basketball and cheerleading this season so I've been buisy! 3 days out of the week I'm pretty much watching basketball games and practice. I'm trying to adjust and take care of my business, games, and playgroups too...and time is just flying by. Psst, can you belive it's almost February?
I absolutely HAVE to tell you about a swap I did with the "Oh so talented", best cut paper artist Ellia of greenbeanbaby. I've been searching for the pictures to show you because words just wont do it justice. I have a ton of photo's to go through and I've been taking an hour out of my schedule to rename other pictures and find my dang swap photos! Geeesh, no such luck yet. I'm so ashamed, who doesn't name their pictures? If you don't, it's a great idea because who knows what 9875468JL means!! Not to mention that the swap was last November....forgive me greenbeanbaby....oh dear Ellia. I don't want to go down in the books as "World's Most Ungrateful Swapper". Pictures are on the way.....Cross my heart and hope to fly!
In the mean and in between I want to give a shout out to a splended customer of mine. The talented Jennifer of "Jennifer's Bows N' More". She purchased one of my e-books(and my only e-book right now!!) on Boutique Bow Pens. Not only did she make them, she went and spread the word around and now they are selling like hot cakes on Etsy!! I have to show your some pictures because she took my instructions just a tad bit further and used a korker bow on the top of her pens!! How cute is that??

I told you, didn't I!! Well, look-see what we have here? Why are my pictures acting so funky? Any-who...you get the point. The pink and black ones are my favorites!! For all of you that have been asking me for these pen here-ya-go! I have officially retired from making these(for sale) and now you know where to buy them.
Before I go I have to show you a picture of our new babies! They arn't really babies any more per' sei...but they are our babies...
Oh, and while we are at it....Her is a picture of my first born baby who stuck a bead in his ear and we had to spend an entire day at the hospital just waiting to get seen......
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