Saturday, April 17, 2010

Nastiest Candy Ever - A Disgruntled Customer Review


Skittles® are my #1 favorite all around candy. I can usually pick up the newest kind and be completely satisfied (remember Sour Skittles®?Mmmm.). This candy has the some type of candy coating that is suppose to make the candy fizz , but instead of making it fizz, it totally makes you gag. I was totally disgusted, completely dissatisfied, utterly shocked! If you happen to be wondering if the "strong" words of dissatisfaction are truly necessary, go out and try some. WAIT, don't even spend your money. I'll send you some.....if you dare! Just leave a comment(first person inside the U.S. to ask and leave a valid e-mail addy will get a bag).

Lastly, I have nothing positive to say about this candy at all!

I'm going use the other bag with a class for a creative writing assignment as the nastiest candy they've ever tasted( cause kids love that kind of stuff!).

1 comment:

Kira =] said...

i totally agree! had some last week and they were nasty. The fizz reminded me of seltzer.